Orangeville's Community Improvement Plan (CIP)
The Town of Orangeville’s Community Improvement Plan (CIP) was adopted in 2023 and offers eight financial incentive programs that encourage property owners to improve the use and appearance of their lands and buildings in select Community Improvement Areas. The incentives outlined within the CIP aim to help offset costs related to site improvement, redevelopment, reuse, and/or rehabilitation, as well as brownfield remediation.
What is a CIP?
A CIP is a tool that municipalities use to stimulate private sector investment to help achieve its broad community improvement and revitalization goals and objectives. When adopted, a CIP can provide grants, loans and other programs to encourage development and renovation projects that will help to improve areas within the community.Depending on the program, private property owners, tenants, and developers can take advantage of the financial incentive programs contained in CIPs to achieve a range of community improvement goals such as improving property façades and redeveloping property.
What properties are included in the CIP area?
Alongside a municipal-wide Community Improvement Plan Area (CIPA), there are two designated CIPA Priority Zones:
Priority Zone 1: Broadway-First Street includes commercial blocks comprised of various zoning classifications. It runs through the areas defined as downtown Orangeville, east Broadway (Third Street to Highway 10), west Broadway (Faulkner Street to Ada Street), and the First Street corridor (north of Broadway to South of Hansen Boulevard).
Priority Zone 2: Centennial Road Employment Area constitutes Orangeville's primary employment area along Centennial Road and is primarily zoned General Industrial (M1).

What programs are available through Orangeville’s CIP?
There are eight programs offered through the CIP, each one targeting a need, opportunity, or area with our community. Please review details below and then contact us to discuss your specific project.Comprehensive Façade Improvement Grant
Eligible areas: Zone 1Eligible applicants: Property owners, tenants, developers
Potential funding: Up to $25,000
Program specifics and limitations |
Applicant may apply for one or any combination of the following:
Eligible costs |
Costs associated with materials, labour, equipment and professional fees related to external building works specifically for façade improvement and signage development as applicable. The Town of Orangeville will determine final eligibility of works based on reference to the Town’s Urban Design Guidelines applicable to Priority Zone 1. Examples (non-exhaustive) of eligible costs include the following: General Cost Categories in Priority Zone 1
Additional Considerations within the Heritage Conservation District Located in Priority Zone 1
Note: While many of the cost eligibilities noted above will apply to Heritage Properties, alterations to these properties are subject to the provisions of the Ontario Heritage Act. |
Landscape Improvement Grant
Eligible areas: Zone 2Eligible applicants: Property owners, tenants
Potential funding: Up to $20,000
Program specifics and limitations |
Applicant may apply for the following:
Eligible costs |
Costs associated with materials, labour, equipment and professional fees related to external, site- related improvement works generally described as property landscape enhancements. Eligible costs are expected to range from minor existing landscaping enhancements to more substantial measures to support improved aesthetics, pedestrian access, hardscaping and site entrance features, among other goals. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Town will prioritize those site improvements which involve durable site improvements (hardscaping, accessibility improvements, lighting, etc.) rather than those focused primarily on plantings. The Town will also prioritize the installation of permeable hard- surface treatment such as permeable pavement and asphalt to improve infiltration and help achieve groundwater source protection. The following work is ineligible:
Major Building Improvement and Conversion Grant
Eligible areas: Zone 1Eligible applicants: Property owners, developers
Potential funding: Up to $35,000
Program specifics and limitations |
The grant is equivalent to a proportion of the work value and provided on a matching funds basis to a maximum of 50% of eligible costs:
Conditions of approval will be established by the Town and may extend to any reasonable consideration to ensure the interests of the Town as funder are upheld. Generally, all approvals under this program will require that construction commence within 6 months of an approved building permit, and Final Completion within 18 months. Council may at its discretion adjust these requirements based on the particular circumstances of the construction project which may necessitate approvals from other agencies and/or delays in construction which are not in the control of the applicant to overcome. Where the property is sold or interest in the property is transferred to another entity within the 5-year Loan Forgiveness period, the remaining principal of the grant (after annual forgiveness) is repayable to the Town. Upon sale or transfer, all outstanding loan obligations remain payable to the Town based on the approved loan repayment agreement signed by both the Town and the applicant in advance of program assistance. Year 1 of the repayment period commences upon Final Completion of the project. Applicants will be required to enter into an agreement as to the above terms and conditions of the grant/loan elements of the program. *Loan Forgiveness is defined as the incremental accretion of grant status of funds dispersed to approved applicants under this program. This translation from interest free loan to grant status (and hence non-repayable to the Town) is earned on the basis of 20% at the end of each twelve (12) month period following the execution of the Agreement. In the event of sale or transfer of interest of the property within the 5-year period, Loan Forgiveness ceases to accumulate and the remaining loan repayment is calculated on a prorated basis. |
Eligibility |
An illustrative categorization of Eligible Costs includes the following:
The following work is ineligible:
Eligible Costs may be adjusted from time to time by the Town of Orangeville. These objectives will seek to relate each application to the downtown renewal, development goals and objectives of the Town. In general terms, the following criteria will be used as a basis for determining the amount of funding:
The General Eligibility Requirements outlined in Section 4.2 of the CIP also apply. |
Tax Increment Equivalent Grant (TIEG)
Eligible areas: Zone 2 and Town-wide Eligible applicants: Property owners, developers
Program specifics and limitations |
Employment Land:
![]() Contaminated Land and Affordable Housing:
Eligibility |
For all three categories, eligible costs include the following: Eligible project costs supported under this program include (but are not limited to) the following works related to new office constructed:
Contaminated Land:
Eligible costs are included above but are also further specified below:
Planning Fees and Building Permit Grant
Eligible areas: Zone 2, Town-wide (Industrial Zone)Eligible applicants: Property owners, developers
Potential funding: Up to $35,000
Program specifics and limitations |
Building Permit Fees Grant:
Planning Fees Grant:
Eligibility |
Accessibility Improvement Grant
Eligible areas: Zones 1 and 2, Town-wide (Commercial Areas)Eligible applicants: Property owners, developers
Potential funding: Up to $5,000
Program specifics and limitations |
Town-wide: A matching grant of up to 50% of eligible costs or a maximum grant of $1,000 per property, whichever is less. Eligible Costs are limited to accessible parking signage. The minimum amount of grant under this program (in any location) is $500. Priority Zones 1 and 2: 50% of eligible costs of a maximum of $5,000 per property, which ever is less. The minimum amount of grant under this program (in any location) is $1,000. |
Eligibility |
Town-wide: Fabrication and Installation of legislatively approved accessible parking signage. Examples of Eligible Costs (non-exhaustive) in Priority Zones 1 and 2 include:
In Priority Zone 1, applicants are permitted to apply for this grant in addition to Program 3: Major Building Improvement and Conversion Grant Program. |
Industrial and Commercial Development Charge (DC) Deferral
Eligible areas: Zones 1 and 2Eligible applicants: Property owners, developers
Potential funding: Deferral of 50% of DCs
Program specifics and limitation |
This program provides for the deferral of 50% of the Town of Orangeville’s applicable Development Charges levied on commercial and industrial developments for a maximum of eighteen (18) months. Further, the program covers the interest generated as a result of deferral of Development Charges to a maximum of $15,000 or that which is accrued over 18 months, whichever is less. The prevailing interest rate applied to the deferral of charges is determined by the Town and according to its policies in this regard. Full payment of the Town Development Charge will be due no later than twenty four (24) months after the building permit is issued. The interest generated by this deferral is applied to the applicant’s account and a grant for the equivalent portion provided from the CIP reserve. This Development Charge Deferral program applies only to Development Charges imposed by the Town of Orangeville. It does not apply to Dufferin County Development Charges nor Education Development Charges collected by the Town on behalf of the School Boards. |
Eligibility |
Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) Grant
Eligible areas: Town-wide (preference to Zone 1)
Eligible applicants: Property owners, developers
Potential funding: 50% of ESA cost, up to $20,000
Program specifics and limitations |
Eligibility |
See Target Group and Project Specifics. |
How do I apply for a CIP program?
Start the application process by completing an intake form and submitting it to the Planning department.
After reviewing your project and application, our team will contact you to confirm details and provide information about specific requirements and timelines.
If you have any questions along the process, please contact us for more information.