The Town of Orangeville is committed to creating a healthier, more resilient and environmentally sustainable community. From addressing climate change and source protection to creating a Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Plan, we are committed to environmental sustainability.
Save money and support environmental sustainability through a variety of environmental incentives. Learn how to apply for a toilet rebate.
Environment Sustainability Awards
The Environmental Sustainability Awards recognize those who have made a positive contribution to the environmental health of the community. View our news for information about current and past award recipients.
Applications are closed for the 2020 Environmental Sustainability Awards.
Sustainable landscaping
Learn how we're protecting our local environment and ecosystem with sustainable landscaping.
Donate to our Baby Tree Program and help us plant a tree for each child born in the Town of Orangeville each year.
Learn about Communities in Bloom and attend an annual event or work to make your property both beautiful and environmentally friendly.
Do you have a green thumb? Rent one of our community garden plots and starting growing fresh produce today!
Invasive species are organisms that are not indigenous or native to our area and can adversely affect local habitats, resulting in ecological and environmental damage.
Are you practising sustainable lawn care? Find out how you can maintain a healthy lawn and garden without relying on pesticides.
Visit the seed library in the Town of Orangeville and get access to local seeds. If you enjoy hobby gardening, the seed library is great place to meet new people and share gardening tips.