The Town of Orangeville regulates parking through the Parking and Traffic Bylaw and the Fire Route Bylaw. Review our parking regulations and learn about winter parking and accessible parking spaces in the community.

Parking Tickets

Pay a parking ticket

Street parking regulations and map

Always read parking signs prior to parking your vehicle to make sure that you understand the parking rules and regulations. Vehicles are not permitted to park on or obstruct sidewalks at any time.

Review our municipal parking map to find all public parking lots in the Town of Orangeville.

Free two-hour parking

We offer free two-hour parking within the downtown core in the following areas:

  • Broadway from Wellington Street West to Louisa Street
  • Mill Street from Broadway to Armstrong Street/Little York Street
  • First Street from Broadway to Zina Street/First Avenue
  • municipal lot located off First Street (adjacent to CIBC and behind 10 First Street)
  • 87 Broadway – located behind the municipal building
  • Jay Crescent
  • Joshua Road
  • Murray Court (near Headwaters Hospital)

Residential street parking

We have established no parking restrictions for the following areas:

  • one side of residential streets (with some exceptions)
  • high traffic areas
  • within community safety zones

Boulevard parking at private residences

Parking on the Boulevard portion of your driveway in the Town of Orangeville is permitted, however there are specific guidelines to how you can park on this section. 

The graphic below demonstrates the correct and incorrect ways to use this space on a single and shared driveway. Your vehicle must be fully within the allowable space in order to avoid a ticket. No portion of your vehicle may overhang onto the sidewalk or the road.

In a shared driveway, your vehicle cannot impede access for your neighbour. 

A graphic depicting the correct ways to park on the lower portion of your driveway.

Municipal parking lots

We have free municipal parking lots in the following locations downtown:

  • 82 Broadway – access off Broadway and Armstrong Street
  • 90 Broadway – access off Armstrong Street
  • 112 Broadway – access off Armstrong Street
  • Little York located at 166-169 Broadway – back parking
  • Mill Street – located near the corner of Mill Street and Church Street
  • Penny Lane – located on the south side of Zina Street

Click here to see winter parking information.

Electric-vehicle parking

The Town of Orangeville is committed to reducing the environmental footprint. We offer a level 2 dual-port charger in the municipal parking lot at 86 Broadway.

The station serves two parking spaces. It costs $2.50 per hour (taxes included) to park in one of our electric-vehicle parking spaces.

If you park in an electric-vehicle parking spot without connecting to the charging device or in a non-electric vehicle, you may be ticketed.

The electric-vehicle charging spaces were installed by the Town of Orangeville in partnership with Orangeville Hydro and Orangeville BIA.

Report a parking infraction

To report a vehicle that is parked illegally, you can submit a complaint using the SeeClickFix app below:

Submit a By-law Complaint

You may also send us an email,  or give us a call at 519-941-0440 ext. 2210 or visit Town Hall, located at:

87 Broadway
Orangeville, ON L9W 1K1

We do not accept anonymous complaints. Please provide the following information when making a complaint:

  • name
  • telephone number
  • address

General parking infractions

Here is a list of the most common parking infractions in the Town of Orangeville:

  • parking in signed no parking zone - you are not permitted to park a vehicle, even if it is occupied, at a no parking sign except when standing temporarily for the purpose of, and while actually engaged in, loading or unloading merchandise or passengers
  • Parking on sidewalk - you cannot stop or halt a vehicle on a sidewalk 
  • Parking within 1.5 metres of a fire hydrant - you cannot park within 1.5 metres of a fire hydrant measured from the curb, and/or completely block access to the hydrant 
  • Parking facing the wrong way - you cannot park your vehicle facing the opposite direction of the flow of traffic 

Please note that parking restrictions also apply to unassumed roads within the Town of Orangeville.

The Town of Orangeville's Parking Restrictions map shows where parking restrictions exist in the Town.

Fire access routes

The Fire Route Bylaw outlines parking regulations in designated fire routes. If you park in a fire route, you may be issued a fine of $100.

Fire routes are located on private property such as shopping malls, schools, townhouse complexes, churches, hospitals, office buildings and other public facilities. Emergency vehicles and personnel need to respond quickly and must have free and unobstructed access.