Sustainable Orangeville assists in the development, implementation, and promotion of environmentally sustainable practices in the Town of Orangeville. This is done through a variety of programs and initiatives including:

A picture of a seed library set up on an old library card filing desk. Seed envelopes are in the drawers with labels on them, with books, a binder, and a sign on top of the desk.Are you a gardener looking to learn about plants, get some new seeds, or connect with other gardeners?

Visit the Orangeville Seed Library at the Orangeville Public Library Mill Street Branch to learn more about this initiative, pick up, or donate some seeds.

Available while quantities last. 

  • Sustainable Orangeville Grant Program Application


Environment Sustainability Awards

The Environmental Sustainability Awards recognize those who have made a positive contribution to the environmental health of the community.

Meetings, minutes and agendas

Once appointments have been made, view the committee calendar for upcoming meeting dates, agendas, and past meeting minutes. The Sustainable Orangeville Committee meets quarterly or as required. 

Request to Present

If you wish to make a presentation to the Committee, you may submit your request online. A printable version of the form is also available through the link below.

Request to Present to an Advisory Committee

Join the committee

Learn how to apply for a committee position.


  1. The overall mandate of the Sustainable Orangeville Committee is to oversee and implement a Community Sustainability Grants Program to local stakeholder groups, citizens, or other individuals that are committed to the delivery of initiatives that assist in the development, implementation, and promotion of environmentally sustainable practices within the Town of Orangeville to reduce the Town's environmental impact including, but not limited to, the following areas: 

    • Urban food systems (e.g., urban harvest, community gardens)
    • Active transportation awareness and infrastructure (e.g., cycling)
    • Waste reduction initiatives (e.g., garbage, recycling, and composting)
    • Water conservation and stewardship
    • Air quality 
    • Energy conservation
    • Urban forestry improvement and initiatives (e.g., tree planting/canopy)

  2. To support the Town's Sustainable Neigbourhood Action Plan.

  3. To support local environmental awareness, education, and promote environmental stewardship within the Town. 

Goals and objectives

  1.  To review and approve eligible initiatives from local stakeholder groups, citizens, or other individuals for initiatives that assist in the development, implementation, and promotion of environmentally sustainable practices within the Town of Orangeville. 

  2. To confirm the grant criteria and program framework, in collaboration with Town staff. 

  3. To prepare and submit to Council an annual work plan outlining grants awarded for the same budget year, outcomes of each of the funded initiatives, and action plans for the following year. 
Committee Composition and Skills
A total of up to nine (9) members, comprised of: 
  • 1 member of Council
  • Up to 8 members of the public

Skills Requested

Committee members will have demonstrated outstanding leadership and/or commitment within the environmental community and be committed to working in a collaborative manner for the betterment of the environment in the Town. The community representatives will reflect a diverse range of community knowledge and expertise. 

Terms of Reference
Sustainable Orangeville Committee