Several road construction projects are slated for the summer months in the Town of Orangeville.

Construction has resumed on the second phase of Second Avenue reconstruction.  The first phase of the Second Avenue project, from Second Street to Third Street, was undertaken in the fall of 2018.  Phase two, from First Street to Second Street, got underway this spring with completion set for the first week of June 2019. The overall project is expected to wrap up in early September, with the top coat of asphalt to be applied. The road project includes the reconstruction of the sanitary, storm and watermains as well as the road, including concrete curbs, sidewalks and a retaining wall. The road section from First Street to Second Street includes a parking layby and a low impact development (LID) drainage feature to assist in controlling stormwater runoff.

The reconstruction of Maple Crescent will also be completed this summer, with the final coat of asphalt to be applied in June. That project included the reconstruction of the sanitary, storm and watermains as well as the road, including concrete curbs and sidewalks.

The reconstruction of Gifford Street and Faulkner Street (from Elizabeth Street to Broadway) is set to get underway soon. This work is to be undertaken from June to October, with the top coat of asphalt to be applied in the summer of 2020. The project includes the reconstruction of sanitary, storm and watermains as well as the road, concrete curbs and sidewalks.

Little York Street (from John Street to Mill Street) will also be reconstructed in 2019.  Tenders will be advertised in June with construction expected to start in early August.  Construction is expected to take 12 to 14 weeks.  The project includes the reconstruction of the sanitary, storm and watermains as well as the roadway, concrete curbs and sidewalks.

General road maintenance and asphalt rehabilitation will start at the beginning of August. The project includes the resurfacing of streets/laneways that have been identified in the Town’s Road Needs Study. The list includes a continuation of the laneways in the Montgomery Village subdivision, specifically Dog Lane. Portions of Fieldgate Drive will also be resurfaced.

Catchbasin and maintenance hole rehabilitation is scheduled to begin at the beginning of August. The project includes rehabilitating and rebuilding structures on the road that have been identified as being deficient and in need of repair to ensure that storm water on the road continues to drain as intended.

The replacement of noise attenuation fence is entering its fourth year of a planned five-year program. Each year the program involves the removal of 20-year old cedar panel type fence and the installation of new longer lasting PVC noise barriers. This year’s program includes the replacement of approximately 100 metres of fence along the rear of homes which front Jay Crescent and back onto Highway 10.

The Town plans to undertake two major road cross culvert rehabilitation projects in 2019.  The culverts at Dawson Road and Tideman Drive will be rehabilitated with new railings, end treatments, soffit repairs and concrete crack/spalling repairs.

The annual sidewalk bay replacement and reconstruction program is slated for August. This is a general maintenance and replacement program that includes the replacement of deficient sidewalks and curbs identified by the Town’s operations staff. This year’s program is focused on the sidewalks in various areas.

The Town is also upgrading two traffic control signals. Work includes controller replacements, traffic/pedestrian head replacements and cabinet modifications at Broadway and John Street and at Second Street and Broadway. This work will allow the signals to be fully upgraded and functional by the fall of 2019. Part of this work will include a review and analysis of signal timing through the downtown core.

The Emerald Ash Bore program is in its sixth year.  Ash trees affect by the emerald ash bore beetle continue impact the urban forest and particularly the Town’s boulevard trees.  Affected and hazardous trees are prioritized for removal each year. Approximately 50 to 60 trees will be removed, with replacement trees being planted in the fall.