Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment – Brandon Ward, Manager of Planning provided an overview to Council of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments and Site Plan Approval relating to 780 Broadway. The proposal is for a mixed-use development featuring 54 three-storey back-to-back townhouse dwellings, a single-storey stand-alone commercial building, 154 parking spaces (108 residential and 46 commercial spaces). The current Official Plan does not permit residential uses and the applicants are seeking a re-designation to "Neighbourhood Commercial" to add a site-specific policy to permit a maximum of 54 dwellings.

Mr. Ward outlined the next steps for the applications which include a staff review of comments received through public consultation and circulation review and preparation of a report for Council.

Planner Hesham Mohamed of the Humphries Planning Group Inc. outlined the location, size and existing use of the subject property. Mr Mohamed addressed questions from Council. 

Council received comments from various residents on Paula Court, opposing the application, and received the Public Meeting Information Report.